Begin by reading the following, which will help you understand search engines from a web developer perspective:
Google and
This appeared because I use chrome and its the default setting. I can change that by editing the web address of the homepage in the browser's settings.
You can change the appearance by going into the settings and changing in the appearance menu of the settings the font and size. You would want to do it to make the browser more accessible to your needs.
The default search engine is google and all I have to do is open and new tab and hit the home button.
I got 2,950,000,000 search results. I would say probably 25% would teach and most of the rest were services like wix or squarespace that you can use to build your own instead or learning how to use html.
I got 22,000 matches. Most of the results were pages about learning how to. I got results from and a former assignment submission from this class However there were results like that didn't actually teach anything.
Repeat the same tasks for the following websites:
I would say generally the search results are consistent in the broadest of terms. The differences would be how some search engines take paid advertising to change the order of where something lands on the results list. This is prevalent with results like Google and Bing. I personally wouldn't change except to Kartoo for very specific reasons like looking for particular information that a library search engine wouldn't result with but that's just me. More often than not when I'm looking for something the answer is in the top of the search results.
Its not really a search engine its more of a learning encyclopedia. It has areas of expertise that you can click through and learn.
A metasite sorts through a regular search sites results and turns out what a more direct result list.
There are not as many results maybe a couple hundred. They seem for this search to be organized by trying to match intent. It still resulted in Wix and similar services being top results but after it did cut straight to actual learning material including a site that had a course on how to learn how to do it.
I would say more like 50% not including the paid ad results.
Yes Google allows you to search for videos, images, etc.
You can search for news, videos, images, and books.
I got a billion results. Top results were the music video, a page linking to lyrics, and the Wikipedia article on the song.
There were not any warnings provided in the multimedia search.
Creative commons is a platform designed for use of sharing images and other media that are in the public domain.
I have learned that in order to be the best designer you need to think about how hard it is for the algorithm to recognize your site in the first place. So you should make it as clear and succint as you can, so it will recognize your site's purpose.